作者:总管理员 日期:2021-08-21 浏览:
天永实业(深圳)有限公司回答:一般印尼的清关就是FORM E证书,运输提单,装箱单,和商业发票;但是需要注意的是呢,如果船不是直达船,是转运船的话印尼海关会要求出具未在加工证明,这个未再加工证明就是证明货物在经过第三方港口停靠的时候未对货物进行再次加工制造的一个证明,一定要注意,如果有经过第三方港口一定要出具这个不然清关会清不了;
关于印尼FORM E证书需要什么资料?
天永实业(深圳)有限公司回答:印尼的FE证书办理比较敏感,因为涉及一个回查问题,不是很建议出口商们用自己的抬头去申请FORM E证书,因为一旦回查需要提供很多资料,例如最基础的提单,发票,箱单,合同,生产商营业执照,生产商和进口商的合同,运输路线证明,未在加工证明,产品明细单,产品原材料说明等等,如果提供不了的话会扣企业的信誉分;
所以如果要办理印尼FORM E证书的话,建议还是找我们代理申请,就算后面有回查也不会影响到客户自己;
天永实业(深圳)有限公司一个专注于代办各类文件如产地证,INVOICE、装箱单、价格表、合同、代理协议,自由销售证书等各国大使馆认证,海牙认证,各类文件CCPIT认证,贸促会认证,香港商会认证,香港未再加工证明,出口报关,买单报关,全国商检,原产地证(CO,FORM E,FORM A等等),各类检测认证(尼日利亚SONCAP,沙特SASO,肯尼亚PVOC,坦桑尼亚COC,欧盟CE认证等等)清关报关链服务商,期待为您效劳,欢迎来电垂询!
What information do you need for customs clearance in Indonesia? Detailed explanation of Indonesian customs clearance process: anchor point
Tianyong industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. replied: now Indonesia can be said to be one of the countries with the most difficult customs clearance in the world. The main reason for the special difficulty of customs clearance in Indonesia is the strict inspection of Customs personnel, especially Chinese goods;
However, China exports a lot of goods to Indonesia. I believe many exporters will encounter this situation when exporting. For the problem of difficult customs clearance in Indonesia, I'll tell you in detail here;
What information do you need for Indonesian customs clearance? Anchor point
Tianyong industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. replied: generally, the customs clearance in Indonesia is form e certificate, transportation bill of lading, packing list and commercial invoice; However, it should be noted that if the ship is not a direct ship but a transshipment ship, Indonesian customs will require a certificate of non processing. This certificate of non reprocessing is a certificate to prove that the goods have not been reprocessed and manufactured when they stop at a third-party port. We must pay attention to it, If it passes through a third-party port, it must be issued, otherwise the customs clearance will not be cleared;
So in Indonesia, it's best to find a direct ship, otherwise it's very troublesome;
What information is required for Indonesian form e certificate?
Tianyong industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. replied: the handling of Fe Certificate in Indonesia is sensitive. Because it involves a back inspection problem, it is not very recommended that exporters use their own header to apply for form e certificate, because once back inspection, they need to provide a lot of data, such as the most basic bill of lading, invoice, packing list, contract, manufacturer's business license, manufacturer's and importer's contract, If the transportation route certificate, unprocessed certificate, product list, product raw material description, etc. cannot be provided, the credit score of the enterprise will be deducted;
Therefore, if you want to apply for Indonesian form e certificate, it is recommended to apply for it from our agent. Even if there is a back check later, it will not affect the customer himself;
About the review time of Indonesian Fe:
Tianyong industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. replied that the time of Fe return inspection in Indonesia is not fixed, because it depends on the mood of Indonesian customs. Sometimes the return inspection form will be received after more than one year or two years;
Yes, that's right. Our company will also receive the check back form of Indonesian Fe in 17 years in 19 years, so don't take it lightly if there is no check back in the near future;
About our company:
Tianyong industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. focuses on handling all kinds of documents, such as certificate of origin, invoice, packing list, price list, contract, agency agreement, free sales certificate, embassy certification, Hague certification, CCPIT certification of all kinds of documents, CCPIT certification, CCPIT certification, Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce certification, Hong Kong unprocessed certificate, export declaration, bill purchase declaration, national commodity inspection, Certificate of origin (CO, form e, form a, etc.), various testing and certification (SONCAP in Nigeria, SASO in Saudi Arabia, PVOC in Kenya, COC in Tanzania, CE certification in EU, etc.) customs clearance chain service providers, looking forward to serving you. Welcome to call!