中国-澳大利亚自贸协定原产地证书,证书英文名称:《CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN FORM FOR CHINA-AUSTRALIA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT》于2015年12月20日起施行。自2015年12月20日起,依照中澳自由贸易协定和国家法律有关规定,申请人可以向各地出入境检验检疫机构CIQ、中国国际贸易促进委员CCPIT会及其各地方分会申请签发中澳自由贸易协定原产地证书。随附上述证书的出口货物依照中澳自由贸易协定规定在澳大利亚享受优惠关税待遇。
第一栏:出口商名称、地址、国别Exporter’s name, address and country
State the full legal name and address of the exporter in Australia or China.
第二栏:生产商的名称、地址和国别。Producer’s name and address
列明货物生产商的全称、地址、国家。如果证书货物由多个生产商生产,应填写所有生产商的全称、地址、国家,可增加附页;如果出口商或生产商希望该信息保密时,也可在该栏注明“应主管部门或授权机构要求可提供”(AVAILABLE TO THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY OR AUTHORISED BODY UPON REQUEST)”。如生产商与出口商相同,应填写“同上(SAME)”。
State the full legal name and address (including country) of the producer, if known. If more than one producer’s good is included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including names and addresses (including country). If the exporter or the producer wish the information to be confidential, it is acceptable to state “Available to the competent authority or authorised body upon request”. If the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete the box with “SAME”. If the producer is unknown, it is acceptable to state "UNKNOWN".
第三栏:收货人的名称、地址和国别Importer’s name, address and country
State the full legal name and address of the importer in Australia or China, if known.
第四栏:运输方式及路线Means of transport and route
如出货后申请证书,应填写具体运输工具号;如出货当天或出货前申请证书,可只填写BY SEA或BY AIR等。
装运口岸应为中国大陆境内的港口,经香港转运可写SHENZHEN VIA HONGKONG。
Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle number, and port of loading and discharge, if known.
The Customer’s Order Number, Letter of Credit Number, among others, may be included. If the invoice is issued by a non-Party operator, information such as the name, address and country of the operator issuing the invoice shall be indicated herein.
第六栏:商品顺序号Item number
State the item number; item number shall not exceed 20.
第七栏:唛头及包装号Marks andnumbers onpackages
State the shipping marks and numbers on packages, when such marks and numbers exist.
第八栏:商品名称,包装数量及种类Number and kind ofpackages; description of goods
此栏详列每种货物的货品名称,以便于海关关员查验时加以识别。货品名称应与发票上的描述及货物的协调制度描述相符。如果是散装货,应注明“散装”(IN BULK)。
The number and kind of packages shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the products to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them and relate it to the invoice description and to the HS description of the good. If the goods are not packed, state “in bulk”. When the description of the goods is finished, add “***” (three stars) or “ \ ” (finishing slash).
第九栏:对应中澳产地证第八栏的每种货物,填写协调制度税则归类编码(6位H.S.编码)。HS code(6-digitcode)
For each good described in Box 8, identify the HS tariff classification (a six-digit code).
For each good described in Box 8, state which criterion is applicable, according to the following instructions. The rules of origin are contained in Chapter 3 (Rules of Origin and Implementation Procedures) and Annex II (Product Specific Rules of Origin) of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
第十一栏:毛重或其他数量Gross or netweight or otherquantity
State gross or net weight in kilograms or other units of measurement for each good described in Box 8. Other units of measurement (e.g. volume or number of items) which would indicate exact quantities may be used where customary.
第十二栏:发票号及日期Invoicenumber anddate
The invoice number and date should be shown here.
第十三栏:出口商申明Declaration by the exporter or producer
The box must be completed by the exporter or producer. Insert the place, date and the signature of a person authorised by the exporter or producer.
The box must be completed, signed, dated and stamped by the authorised person of the authorised body. The telephone number, fax and address of the authorised body should be given.